Thursday, September 8, 2016

Jilian Cate: 1 Month

Sugar & Spice & Everything Nice - that is what Jillian Cate just added to her household of 4 brothers. Christina's 5th pregnancy was a sweet surprise from God. When she told me it was a girl, well, I don't think anyone was expecting that! "I think it will be a boy." She said. "We are just a boy family, and I totally know how to be a boy mom. I would love another boy." Christina and Trey never expected to be changing pink ruffly clothes and choosing hairbows for Sunday morning. But that is what God does. He takes our worlds, and turns them upside down. But I can't think of a sweeter family for sweet little Jillian Cate to be born into, and I know without a doubt, she will be raised to bring honor and glory to her maker - just like her brothers are.
And the brothers!! Jay, Logan, Noah, and Mason are already her biggest fans, and so enamored with her! She will grow up one of the toughest (and most well protected) girls ever!
Jillian Cate - I cannot wait to watch you grow! I am so thankful for you and your sweet family and the friendship we've shared for years. You are a blessing and so very loved!

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